Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

benefits of black tea with lemon juice

benefits of black tea with lemon juice Who does not know with lemon.
Lemon that tastes sweet and slightly sour very fit to be mixed drinks thirst repellent, especially if you dingin.Tahukah presented on the efficacy and benefits of lemon juice?
Lemon contains about 5% citric acid and high in vitamin C, also contains vitamin B, riboflavin, calcium,
magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, protein and carbohydrates.
Starting the day with a cup of warm lemon water will provide many benefits, because what you eat or drink in the morning will affect your mood all day. Prior to the move in the morning, you can drink a cup of warm water added lemon juice, lemon slices or put into a cup. Warm water with lemon has many benefits that will make your body healthier.

Increase Metabolism
Drink lemon tea in the morning can aid the body's metabolism. Thus helping you to get a good mood.

Those are some health benefits that you can get by eating lemon tea.

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